Home / Louis Vuitton Monogram / Louis Vuitton Semi-Circle Leather Replica Shoulder Bag M51221
  • Louis Vuitton Semi-Circle Leather Replica Shoulder Bag M51221
  • Louis Vuitton Semi-Circle Leather Replica Shoulder Bag M51221
  • Louis Vuitton Semi-Circle Leather Replica Shoulder Bag M51221
  • Louis Vuitton Semi-Circle Leather Replica Shoulder Bag M51221
  • Louis Vuitton Semi-Circle Leather Replica Shoulder Bag M51221
  • Louis Vuitton Semi-Circle Leather Replica Shoulder Bag M51221
  • Louis Vuitton Semi-Circle Leather Replica Shoulder Bag M51221
  • Louis Vuitton Semi-Circle Leather Replica Shoulder Bag M51221
  • Louis Vuitton Semi-Circle Leather Replica Shoulder Bag M51221

Louis Vuitton Semi-Circle Leather Replica Shoulder Bag M51221

  • Detail

    Louis Vuitton Semi-Circle Leather Replica Shoulder Bag M51221

    Size:25.0 x 20.0 x 8.0 cm

    Planning a shopping spree or need a travel-convenient bag? Louis Vuitton cross body bags fit the bill. Explore our collection to find a perfect cross body bag with a “designer” signature. A must-have wardrobe staple, they do a good job marrying practicality with style. They get the memo that fashion doesn’t have to be uncomfortable. So with adjustable straps for easy customization and a sizeable, lightweight form, — designer cross body bags are convenience come true. Globetrotting is a piece of cake with a cross body bag in tow.
    The adjustable straps liberate your hands, so you can pick up a dozen shopping bags, grab a bite of your favorite burger while on the move, take quick notes and even wave at a friend without looking awkward. The cross body bags also come in soft and bold colors that are easy on the eye. Plus, you will no longer have a hard time coordinating your outfits. Embossed with stand-out logos and decorative accents, your Louis Vuitton cross body bag will meet the approval of style critics.
    Choose nylon-based cross body bags for a walk in the sun. Select the iconic leather Louis Vuitton cross body bag to add a touch of sophistication to your evening look. Pick up a denim crossbody bag for hiking with friends and other outdoor activities. The collection is endless and seasonless, never going out of trend or diminishing in value.

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